Where Is Safari Gal Family

Where Is Safarigal?


Sunday March 24th   Exploring Dubai   We decided to spend the day exploring old and new Dubai using the Hop on Hop off bus. The QE2 hotel is lovely, but not convenient, so we had to take a taxi to the nearest bus stop.   One of our friends really...

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Day 2

Saturday March 23rd   Dubai   It was raining when we woke up!   Apparently it only rains 10 times a year in Dubai, and of course it rained for us. We have not lost our rain making powers.   We spent the morning just enjoying being on QE2 and...

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Friday March 22nd Dubai Arrival Yay! We are finally in Dubai!!!!!! After all my plans to not over pack on this trip, I finally had to accept that we were going to have to drag along 3 suitcases.  I was having a good time watching Keeping Up Appearances “Sea...

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On Thursday, March 21st, provided that we can negotiate our driveway which currently closely resembles a luge track, we will leave the icy roads and snowy north to head across the world, arriving in Dubai on Friday March 22nd. We will then spend 3 nights on the QE2...

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I was sitting at my computer at work yesterday, staring out the window at the mounds of snow piled up on the ground outside. I was struggling with completing a mandatory web based learning management system course. This was not only problematic because my computer...

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July 12th, 2018 At Sea Last Sea Day ☹ Yet another smooth night, and calm, sunny day. So much for hurricanes and rough crossings. This one has been exceptionally smooth. Unless you look out of a window, or go out on deck, it is hard to believe that we are actually...

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July 10th, 2018 Yes, Still all at Sea We still have blue skies, and blue ocean, with a few white horses, but no motion on the ship. To start the morning, John MacLean talked about aliens – “Hello? Is there Anybody Out There?” It turns out that there probably isn’t...

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July 8th, 2018 Still at Sea I had another amazingly good night’s sleep. My cabin continues to be very quiet, and the lack of a window really isn’t a problem at all. The only issues are that there is no cell phone reception, or internet service. I solved the problem...

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July 7th At Sea The thing about blogging about a crossing is that except the first and last days, every day is a sea day. This could get boring! I was worried about the position of my cabin as it is between a crew area and the lifts. I though it would be noisy....

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