

Saturday March 30th   At Sea in the Red Sea   We were awakened in the middle of the night by a text message from our phone company welcoming us to Djibouti and informing us that our current plan does not cover us there. Well I guess we...

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Friday March 29th   At Sea   Is this Brexit day or not?   Brian insists on watching an American news program every night when, after sundowners, we are getting ready for dinner. I dislike this program as it gets stuck on one...

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Thursday March 28th   Salalah, Oman   Coming face to face with a camel   Having had a series of very hazy days, it was wonderful to wake up to brilliant sunshine in Salalah. We docked at about 7:00 AM, and while we consumed our...

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Wednesday March 27th   Wow the schedule is jam packed again! The first lecture we went to was the best so far. It was by an engineer called John Laverick on “Reliving the Excitement of Travel on Cunard’s First Liner” and it involved footage...

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Tuesday March 26th   Pirate Preparedness Day   My initial task for the morning was to go to the Pursers’ Desk in order to request a new key card. Somehow mine had become misplaced during the sail away. Now I usually do have to have the...

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Monday March 25th   From QE2 to QM 2   We realized that our cabin was directly underneath the Queens Room, and we were awoken during the night by the noise above us as the staff were rearranging the furniture. No doubt there will be...

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Sunday March 24th   Exploring Dubai   We decided to spend the day exploring old and new Dubai using the Hop on Hop off bus. The QE2 hotel is lovely, but not convenient, so we had to take a taxi to the nearest bus stop.   One of...

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Day 2

Saturday March 23rd   Dubai   It was raining when we woke up!   Apparently it only rains 10 times a year in Dubai, and of course it rained for us. We have not lost our rain making powers.   We spent the morning just enjoying...

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On Thursday, March 21st, provided that we can negotiate our driveway which currently closely resembles a luge track, we will leave the icy roads and snowy north to head across the world, arriving in Dubai on Friday March 22nd. We will then spend...

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I was sitting at my computer at work yesterday, staring out the window at the mounds of snow piled up on the ground outside. I was struggling with completing a mandatory web based learning management system course. This was not only problematic...

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July 13th, 2018 The Journey Home I have slept exceptionally well every other night on this crossing, but tonight I awoke at 2:00 AM, and just couldn’t fall back asleep. I decided to go out on deck and watch our progress to Southampton. It was a...

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July 12th, 2018 At Sea Last Sea Day ☹ Yet another smooth night, and calm, sunny day. So much for hurricanes and rough crossings. This one has been exceptionally smooth. Unless you look out of a window, or go out on deck, it is hard to believe...

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