Botswana Epilogue

Botswana Epilogue

I have been looking at the photos from our safari and remembering the remarkable time we had. I was able to get a copy (thanks Julie) of the great photo James took of us all enjoying the waters of the Delta. There we all are, Cynthia and Brent, Nancy, Julie and Jim,...
Botswana Day 12

Botswana Day 12

August 2, 2024 Flying Home We needed to be ready to leave the lodge at 9:00, and breakfast was at 7:30 so we finally got to sleep in a bit. It was still pitch black when we woke up, so I fought my way out of the mosquito net and we switched on the lights in the room...
Botswana Day 11

Botswana Day 11

August 1, 2024 Our last full day in Botswana. Where has the time gone; can we really have been here for 10 days already? I am getting very good at climbing into the back of the safari vehicle. There is no doubt about it, going on a safari is the best way to do...
Botswana Day 10

Botswana Day 10

July 31, 2024 The light looked beautiful over the pan this morning. After our large breakfast we joined KK and Obert and set off on our morning game drive. It was a cold morning, so I was pleased to see that there were blankets at each seat, and what is this? There is...
Botswana Day 9

Botswana Day 9

July 30, 2024 I found out where all the tree frogs had gone. We have previously visited the Delta in April and apparently, they are not around in winter. This was quite a disappointment, but also a sign that we need to come back one April! We examined the hippo path...