Queen Anne Day 31

Written by Safarigal
June 3, 2024


June 2nd, 2024

No bagpipes this morning, but there was a wonderful brass band playing my favorite “A Groovy Kind of Love” Welcome to Belfast!

I had loved out visit to the Giant’s Causeway when we were in Belfast last year, but the weather was awful and I really didn’t get to explore it, so I decided to do another tour on this visit.

It was cold and cloudy, with a light drizzle, but not enough to prevent me having a wonderful time at the causeway. As I wanted to maximize my time there I decided to get a round trip ticket for the shuttle bus from the visitor’s center to the causeway.

I was down clambering over the basalt columns in no time, and really getting a much better experience than previously. It is an amazing place, and really does need to be explored at a leisurely pace to fully get a feel of the setting.

There was a queue waiting for the bus when I was done exploring, so I decided that it would probably be quicker to walk than wait for the next bus.

I am so glad I walked, that was almost the best part of my day. It was great to hear the sounds of the waves crashing on the rocks below, to smell the sea air, and feel the sea breezes. I could hear the gulls screeching, and the wrens and oyster catchers (identified by my birding app, not by sight), singing loudly.

Best of all I got to see Humphry the camel. I would have missed him completely if I was on the bus.

I got to the top sooner than expected and there was time to take a walk on  the green trail that goes along the top of the ridge  next to the hotel. There are great views from the trail.

Before we returned to Belfast we had a brief stop at Dunluce Castle

And Carrick a Reed Rope Bridge.

The weather definitely was getting worse!

After tasting some whiskey, we went to the Titanic Experience, which really is the best Titanic museum I have visited, and trust me I’ve been to many!

It doesn’t only focus on the sinking of the ship, but also on the builders and what life was like in Belfast at the time she was built, and the search for the Titanic wreckage.

There was a ride through the shipyard where you could see the riveters hard at work, and an immersive experience going through the ship floor by floor.

And of course there was a deck chair!

It was really great, and we got back to the ship just in time for sail away.

Our departure was delayed by another medical emergency, but finally we were off – heading for Liverpool and the naming ceremony tomorrow. The excitement mounts!!!!!

Post Discussion


  1. T Stewart MacKenzie

    Hi Lesley
    We have a caravan (mobile home) in SW Scotland.
    One day we went across to NI on the ferry to go visit the Giants Causeway.
    There was a shuttle bus to take folks down and up the hill. The sign stated that the bus would come every 15 minutes.
    Our kids were four and five at the time. I wound them up, and told them that if the Giant came, we would have to run for it.
    A while later, our four year old daughter announced “this is a swizz, we’ve been here for more than 15 minutes and there’s still no sign of the Giant”

    • Safarigal

      I love this story! My parents loved Fingal’s Cave, and so after years of visiting the causeway from the other side, it was great to see it from this end!

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